Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How Long?

Recently I visited a friend for a couple of days, and she gifted me with a new CD entitled "The Glory of His Presence" by Terry MacAlmon. You may have one of his CD's! One of the songs on my new CD is "How Long?" I weep as I listen to this worship song. Some of the words are How long till I become like You, how long until I awake in Your likeness? Is that not the cry of your heart today? I believe it's the cry of the Bride of Christ, the Church. We are longing for more of Him. We are hungry to be in His presence, to experience His glory! He is waiting for you and me to sit at His feet and rest in His presence.

I believe God is calling His Church to be all in all submitted to Him excited to be involved with what He is up to in this earth today! Yet, how we struggle to surrender to Him. He's calling us to be a spotless Bride, raised up in His holy power that cannot be denied. He has already given us everything to complete our calling: His shed blood, His name - that name that is above every name, His Word that reveals His will for our lives. Wow! We are a blessed people. I want to walk in His blessings daily. How about you? Are you putting Him first place in your life today? Why not mark your calendar for Peggy Teague Ministries next event; Saturday, September 10, theme, "Overflowing Abundance." Soon you will receive more details of this upcoming event.

Moving Forward in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you blogging. I have missed you. Our summer schedule is packed...with family. Yes, "How Long" has been one of those for me also...always a desire and cry of my heart. A good friend, Floyd Alves, husband of Beth Alves of Intercessors Intl, went home to be with the Lord this week...and awakened in His Likeness. I find my heart turning more and more to preparing for "that day." Truly He gives us all things we need...and most of all His presence! How grateful I am that He will never leave us or forsake us, and ONE DAY, we will awake and discover all He was doing, often when we were even aware! Blessings to you, sweet friend.
