Thursday, August 5, 2010

Invitation to Miracles

I sat at Starbucks listening to a woman pour out her heart of pain. We met to discuss her business that she wanted me to hear about, and yet, our conversation was only business talk for about 10 minutes. The rest of the two hours I listened, and as I heard the Holy Spirit reveal things she needed to hear, I would speak them to her. She would weep and tell me, "I needed to hear that." As our conversation continued I tried to encourage her that God is with her through her pain, and He always brings good out of bad in His timing and for His glory.

As I left our little meeting(and I don't take those encounters lightly), the Lord reminded me of Him awaking me a couple of days before at 3:33 am as He impressed me to take to heart Jeremiah 33:3. I arose from my bed and reached for my Bible on my nightstand quickly turning to the scripture. This is my invitation to miracles that He is doing all around me and others! He is wanting to restore our nation, our families and He will do it, if we will allow Him, one person at a time!

Are you looking for miracles to take place in your life? They are there! We must believe! God said through the weeping prophet, Jeremiah, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3). I did not know when I had this business meeting set at Starbucks that God had something else in mind. It wasn't geared for our business. . . it was all about His business! I love that! I had the most glorious time just sharing Jesus and His availability to us! He's waiting for us to call on Him. As we wait. . . He will reveal, and miracles will happen!

Looking forward,


  1. Real life stores ARE the testimony of Jesus. He is the One who showed us the God's principles and truths applied to real life ministers to the hearts of people. That is where we live...not in the "by and by" or the visions of the future, but in the here and now - God's grace in everyday, God's grace in crises, God's grace and love in hardship and trials, God's grace in lack and in plenty. I do believe that even in the beginning of your "blog articles" you are sharing life and in those ordinary moments, God's glory shows up. He will change lives...not only in those moments that you write about, but in the sharing of them. Thank you for persevering. I love it!

  2. Thanks, Suz, you are the Barnabas in my life, and I thank God for you!
